Texas Mortgage Roundup – San Antonio 2024: What to Expect and How to Prepare

The Texas Mortgage Roundup in San Antonio is one of the most anticipated events for mortgage professionals across the state. As we look ahead to 2024, this event promises to be bigger and better, offering invaluable insights, networking opportunities, and the latest trends in the mortgage industry. Whether you’re a seasoned mortgage professional or just starting, understanding what to expect and how to prepare for the Texas Mortgage Roundup in San Antonio can give you a competitive edge. Let’s dive into what you need to know!

1. What is the Texas Mortgage Roundup?

The Texas Mortgage Roundup is an annual event that brings together mortgage professionals from across Texas and beyond. It’s a place where lenders, brokers, loan officers, real estate agents, and other industry stakeholders come together to share knowledge, discuss trends, and network. The San Antonio event, in particular, is known for its robust agenda, featuring educational sessions, keynote speakers, and an exhibition floor filled with industry-leading vendors.

2. Why San Antonio in 2024?

San Antonio has long been a strategic location for the mortgage industry, thanks to its booming real estate market and central location in Texas. The 2024 event is expected to highlight the unique challenges and opportunities in the San Antonio market, which has been growing rapidly in recent years. From the rising demand for housing to the latest in lending technology, San Antonio is the perfect backdrop for discussing the future of the mortgage industry.

3. Key Trends to Watch at the 2024 Roundup

One of the main reasons professionals attend the Texas Mortgage Roundup is to stay ahead of industry trends. So, what trends should you keep an eye on in 2024?

4. Technology and Automation in Mortgage Lending

Technology continues to revolutionize the mortgage industry, and 2024 is no exception. Expect to see a strong focus on how automation and AI are streamlining the mortgage process, from application to closing. Discussions will likely include how these technologies can reduce errors, increase efficiency, and improve the borrower experience.

5. Regulatory Changes and Compliance

Regulation is a constant in the mortgage industry, and staying compliant is crucial for any business. The 2024 Texas Mortgage Roundup will feature sessions on the latest regulatory changes, including updates on federal and state laws, compliance strategies, and what to expect in the coming years. Staying ahead of these changes is essential for avoiding penalties and maintaining a strong reputation in the industry.

6. The State of the Texas Housing Market

Understanding the local housing market is key to success in the mortgage industry. San Antonio’s housing market has been one of the most dynamic in Texas, with significant growth in both residential and commercial sectors. At the 2024 Roundup, experts will dissect the current state of the market, offering predictions and strategies for navigating the competitive landscape.

7. Networking Opportunities: Building Connections That Last

One of the biggest advantages of attending the Texas Mortgage Roundup is the networking opportunities. The event is a melting pot of industry professionals, making it the perfect place to forge new relationships and strengthen existing ones. Whether you’re looking to partner with a new lender, find the latest technology vendor, or simply share ideas with peers, the networking sessions are invaluable.

8. How to Prepare for the Event

Preparation is key to getting the most out of the Texas Mortgage Roundup in San Antonio. Here are a few tips to ensure you’re ready to make the most of your time at the event.

9. Plan Your Agenda

The Texas Mortgage Roundup offers a packed schedule of sessions, workshops, and keynotes. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, take some time to review the agenda beforehand. Identify the sessions that are most relevant to your business or personal growth goals and prioritize them. This will help you stay focused and ensure you don’t miss out on valuable information.

10. Bring Your Questions and Be Ready to Engage

The Texas Mortgage Roundup isn’t just about listening; it’s about engaging with the content. Prepare a list of questions or topics you’re curious about. Whether it’s a regulatory concern, a new technology, or a market trend, being proactive in discussions can lead to deeper insights and connections with industry leaders.

11. Network Like a Pro

Networking is one of the most beneficial aspects of attending a conference, but it can also be daunting. Set a goal for how many new contacts you want to make each day and stick to it. Don’t just collect business cards; follow up with a personalized email or LinkedIn message after the event to keep the conversation going.

12. Stay Open to New Ideas

The mortgage industry is evolving rapidly, and the Texas Mortgage Roundup is a great place to discover new approaches and ideas. Keep an open mind, whether you’re exploring new technologies or learning about changes in market dynamics. Being open to change can position you and your business to thrive in a competitive industry.

13. Post-Event Follow-Up: Maximizing the Value of Your Experience

Once the event is over, the work isn’t done. Here’s how to maximize the value of your Texas Mortgage Roundup experience.

14. Review and Implement What You’ve Learned

Take time to review your notes and reflect on the sessions you attended. Identify key takeaways and think about how you can apply them to your business. Whether it’s a new compliance strategy, a technology solution, or a market insight, putting what you’ve learned into action is crucial.

15. Keep the Networking Momentum Going

Follow up with the contacts you made at the event. A simple message saying it was great to meet them and expressing interest in future collaboration can go a long way. Maintaining these relationships can lead to partnerships, referrals, and other business opportunities down the line.


The Texas Mortgage Roundup in San Antonio 2024 is shaping up to be an unmissable event for anyone in the mortgage industry. With a focus on the latest trends, regulatory changes, and networking opportunities, it’s the perfect place to gain the knowledge and connections you need to succeed. By preparing ahead of time and staying engaged during the event, you can maximize the value of your experience and take your career or business to the next level.


1. What makes the Texas Mortgage Roundup in San Antonio unique?

The Texas Mortgage Roundup in San Antonio is unique due to its focus on the dynamic Texas market, especially the rapidly growing San Antonio area. The event offers a deep dive into local market trends, along with nationwide mortgage industry insights.

2. How can I make the most out of the networking opportunities at the Roundup?

To make the most of networking opportunities, set clear goals for the number of new connections you want to make each day, actively engage in conversations, and follow up with contacts after the event.

3. What should I prioritize on the event agenda?

Prioritize sessions that align with your business needs or personal growth goals, such as regulatory updates, technology advancements, or market analysis. Planning your agenda in advance will help you focus on the most relevant content.

4. How does the 2024 event differ from previous years?

The 2024 event is expected to focus more on technological advancements and regulatory changes, reflecting the rapid evolution of the mortgage industry. There will also be a stronger emphasis on the San Antonio housing market.

5. What are the benefits of attending the Texas Mortgage Roundup as a newcomer to the industry?

For newcomers, the event provides an excellent opportunity to learn from industry veterans, understand current trends, and build a network of contacts that can support your career growth.

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